Blockchain Instructor AMA – LIVE Weekly on FRIDAY at 1 PM EST
Join the Weekly Live Blockchain Instructor AMA Session to get answers and learn alongside others while simultaneously building your network of professionals. Come and ask your instructor anything Blockchain related. Overall the subject matter experts have the answers. Still, occasionally some questions at present do not have answers that reach a consensus, which is what Blockchain is all about, hence, the nickname, the truth machine.
1 PM to 2:30 PM Eastern Time (10 AM to 11:30 AM Pacific Time)
Blockchain is an emerging technology representing a more significant form of trust, generally the essential element of how individuals and businesses interact. This technology will indeed fuel the next major economic expansion as we transition from web2 to web3.
Blockchain is a distributed ledger that lets digital assets be transacted in real-time within a rules-based architecture; therefore, no single entity controls the asset. Practical knowledge of Blockchain is crucial for organizations, and managers at all levels must gain familiarity with its concepts and applications.
What You May Not Know About Blockchain
Bitcoin Statistics (source):
- 106 million Bitcoin Owners
- 400,000 Daily Bitcoin Users
- 200 million Bitcoin Wallets
- 53 million Bitcoin Traders
- 270,000 Daily Bitcoin Transactions
- 89% of Americans have heard of Bitcoin
- 22% of Americans own Bitcoin
Research Summary. Despite the bad rap, cryptocurrency is nonetheless the fastest-growing industry around the globe. The first cryptocurrency was created 13 years ago, and now the reach and value of digital currencies have soared. The following are the stats you need to know on cryptocurrency (Source: Zippa)
- There are over 20,000 cryptocurrencies on in circulation as of July 2022, compared to 180 fiat currencies.
- The top three cryptocurrencies in the world by market cap are Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and Tether USD (USDT)
- There are approximately 400,000 Bitcoin transactions daily as of January 2021
- There are about 36.5 million American crypto users and 300 million global crypto users as of 2021
- 16% of Americans state that they have used, invested in, or traded a cryptocurrency
- The global blockchain market value is $10.02 billion as of 2022
- The global blockchain market value is expected to reach $67.4 billion by 2026, with a CAGR of 68.4%
As a result of the demand for Blockchain, experts are earning 10% to 40% more than their web2 counterparts. Educate yourself, verify your skills, earn more and find more opportunities.
Every course and advanced Certification program includes the weekly Live Blockchain Instructor AMA Session.